Skyrocket your sales


photo of boy looking at watch next to a rocket

Work Smarter, Not Harder

Boost! is a PSA owned coaching system that accelerates your speaking productivity & profits.

Discover how you can leverage your business and skyrocket your sales in just 6 months using a proven system that leverages the missed (and costly) opportunities in your speaking business, so that you can close and convert more sales, without having to be salesy or pushy in your marketing!

question mark on a chalkboard

Is this you?

  • You’re caught in the Cash-flow Curves: You work hard and bust your guts trying to take your professional speaking / training / coaching business to the next level. But at times, making the quarterly BAS payment feels worse than taking blood from your first born! Good money flows, then you get busy delivering, then
    come up for air and notice the pipeline has gone dry.
  • You can’t switch off because you’re trying to up level your business. Instead of enjoying quality family time at night, and enjoying your time off work, you end up having to do admin work, proposals or try and get creative with your online social media, when you should be recharging and relaxing.
  • You want a systemised business that gives you time freedom, that allows you to maximise your effectiveness and benefit from all the hard work you’re investing right now.

What we’ve found

is cash flow peaks and troughs, issues & ignorance can threaten your business’ potential and…

  • Keeps you stuck in a frustrating and costly “Groundhog Day” loop, always struggling to find new clients and build momentum (which is costing you sales and clients…)
  • Threatens financial hardship and impacts on your creative ‘state of mind’!
  • Steals your ability to live with joy and happiness and instead keeps you stuck in stress and burnout mode
a black alarm clock

You can’t afford to ignore

The three reasons why many speakers are struggling to be productive & profitable right now

Reason #1 — You procrastinate on doing the marketing and sales for your business, because selling feels just icky and you’re unsure as to how you can best leverage your sales & marketing skills and expertise without coming across as salesy. To quote Winston March CSP, “You need to be a better marketer of what you do, than a doer of what you do!”

Reason #2 — Your struggle with sales fails to convert the prospects into sales with more ease. This customer acquisition trap is costing you tens of thousands of dollars in missed revenue & profits every year and damages your reputation.

Reason #3 — You fail to leverage opportunities that convert existing customers into longer term clients and that shortsightedness is costing you dearly—in missed profits AND precious time.

Our 6-month BOOST! program can help you to

Boost your business revenue and profits.
Skyrocket your wealth and time freedom.
Attract more of your ideal customers, with more ease.
Convert prospects into long term clients, instead of one-time customers.
photo of Ian leaning against a grey wall

Meet Ian Stephens CSP – PSA’s BOOST! program Convener and Lead Coach

Hi, I’m Ian Stephens. I’m a Public Speaker, Trainer and Peak Performance Coach for Small Business Owners, Sales Professionals and Corporate Leaders.

Taking the lead coach role in the PSA BOOST! program allows me to give back to the PSA and pay it forward. Many members of PSA have helped me over the years, and together with the BOOST! CSP Faculty members, I look forward to contributing to your business growth.

photo of a phone pen and paper with the words hello

Who is Boost! For?

  • Limited to speakers, trainers, MC’s, Coaches and/or facilitators who make a living from speaking and want to convert more opportunities.
  • Those who need to put a proven system/structure around their business development activity.
  • By application and/or invitation process only. A selection criteria exists to ensure BOOST! is limited to speaking professionals who are serious about up levelling.
  • Ready to skyrocket your wealth, with growing sustainable business profits.
  • Looking for savvier ways and methods to market your business so that you can leverage your skills and expertise.
  • Interested in ethical selling that feels aligned with your values and mission and that actually feels enjoyable to you.

The BOOST! Model

Through the BOOST! model you will get clear on your vision in comparison to your current reality. From here the program is designed to accelerate momentum towards your vision, and importantly DO THE WORK on eliminating limiting beliefs, barriers and obstacles that are holding you back. You will release the brakes and hit the accelerator.

The program drills deep into the 3 curriculum areas represented by the interlocking circles above:

  1. Mindset & Personal Effectiveness,
  2. Advanced Influencing Skills, and
  3. Sales & Marketing.

All sessions have been deliberately designed to ensure shifts happen with your beliefs and values. You develop the skills and knowledge to leap-frog your business, and skyrocket your revenue and profit.


Ready to take a sneak peek inside the program?

Success in any business is 80% psychology and 20% strategy


Explode Your Business

Learn a powerful ‘thinking model’ which helps you (and your PA or VA) understand how to balance the three critical activities required to secure your monthly cash-flow and your annual revenue and profit targets; finding & attracting new customers, converting them, and keeping & growing them over time.

Sales & Marketing in a Speakers World

Amongst other things, we will explore the effectiveness of your website landing page; how does it stack up against The WOW Web-site Weaver Checklist of the 5 things your home page MUST have if you are going to catch and convert more traffic … and profit!

Master Sales Without Selling: the Art of Non-Salesy Selling

In the BOOST! Program we reveal a simple and learn-able framework to position your products or service in a non-salesy way. Let’s explore a 4 step methodology which ensures you never have to sell.

Convert & Cash Profits

Let’s tune into how you (and any staff) can easily become revenue and sales convertors in a way that makes the customer feel like they have never been sold to. You learn a simple and repeat-able 3-step formula to offer your products and services in a non-salesy way that gets bought.

As a 6-month BOOST! member your privileges include

  • 12 x weekly on-line modules (Valued at $3,000.00) – do them at your own pace
  • 3 x bi-monthly recordings of ‘Practical Implementation’ webinars hosted by Ian Stephens CSP and featuring past BOOST! participants sharing how they have integrated the BOOST! content and tools and the results (Valued at $1,500.00)
  • 2 x private and tailored one-on-one coaching sessions with Ian Stephens and/or a CSP from our Faculty Panel – one conducted at the start of the program, and another around the mid-point just as you start gaining real traction (Valued at $1500.00)
  • Access to the exclusive BOOST! Alumni quarterly webinar online ‘lunch n learn’ live webinars – every year for the life of the program
  • The in-person BOOST! Masterclass Workshop at convention – PRICELESS!
  • Access to the BOOST! Peak Performance Package which inlcudes Ian Stephens’ ‘Sales Professional Platinum Package’ of books and downloadable CLIPS, along with several other resources from proven CSP practitioners (Valued at $500.00 RRP)


kids on go-karts

And for PSA & GSF Association members it’s only $4,500 AUD.

Normal pricing for non members of PSA or a GSF Association is $5,400 AUD. Members receiving a significant discount on our BOOST! program.

PSA understand the importance of managing financial obligations, that’s why we offer easy payment plans for registrants of our programs. Simply contact our team at 1300 739 993 or email so our team can assist in setting up the right payment plan option for you.

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